As an art historian and a licensed psychologist, Veronica Cuomo has a particular vision about curatorial praxis; she comprehends it as interdisciplinary and multicultural, aware of each artist’s uniqueness. The purpose of Cuomo’s curatorial services is to support the artists‘ development, ensuring the optimal materialization of their exhibitions and projects. Fascinated by the artist’s parkour, she believes that the curator’s role is based on mutual and reliable collaboration.
With substantial business experience, we present an original proposal tailored to each client’s needs. The objective is to create museum-quality projects supported by rigorous art-historical research adapted to diverse spaces without neglecting the commercial aspects — always in search of excellence.
We advise the client about different aspects of their career and practice, helping solve practical matters and clearing doubts. Maximal discretion is always guaranteed.
We write an original art essay that is leasable, researched, and comprehensive to different types of public. The text describes and contextualizes the artist’s work, forging historical links. When accompanying an exhibition, it discusses the curatorial concept and the display. The art essay is a versatile qualitative tool for artists.
We generate consistent storytelling to showcase the artworks captivating the audience with elaborated yet accessible presentations. We provide an overview of the exhibit and its main messages, content, and themes.
In this phase, we create a concrete framework for the exhibit’s content. We take care of every detail, proposing the location, selecting the artworks, and developing the necessary components to support a dynamic and compelling show.
We transform the outline into a final script and articulate the design in the space. A high narrative coherency between the content (artworks) and its medium (the exhibition) is targeted.
We generate a stimulating cultural agenda during the exhibition with varied programming, rich in events. Acting as a liaison between the public and the artist, Cuomo’s public relations skills are central to network development and sales.
We offer coaching and support to the artist’s reflection and elaboration on his/her qualitative development. There is no one-size-fits-all scenario; every solution is unique.
Cuomo’s grandfather was an art critic in Basel before the Second World War when he was obliged to emigrate to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, Veronica Cuomo grew up in an art lovers‘ family, where music and visual arts accompanied her childhood. After studying ballet and obtaining her piano diploma, she moved to Switzerland and earned her Degree in Psychology (focus on intercultural psychology) at the University of Geneva. A decade ago, Cuomo started organizing private art events and exhibitions.
She participated in Christie’s Education Programs in London. Based in Zurich since 2014, she was appointed to manage the first Christie’s education course in Zurich. Determined to live up to her passion for art, the curator obtained a Bachelor of Arts at the Philosophy University of Zurich (Mayor: Art History, Minor: Theory and History of Photography). Professional and creative, Veronica Cuomo has staged and curated outstanding art exhibitions in Zurich and abroad.